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Glassware is classified according to its purpose

2020-11-20 09:50:18

Glass instruments commonly used in laboratories are divided into the following 8 categories according to their uses and structural characteristics:
(1) Burners refer to those glass instruments that can be heated directly or indirectly: such as beakers, flasks, test tubes, conical flasks, iodine flasks, evaporators, retorts, etc.
(2) Measuring instruments refer to glass instruments used to accurately measure or roughly measure the volume of liquids: such as measuring cups, measuring cylinders, volumetric flasks, burettes, pipettes, etc.
(3) Bottles refer to containers used to store solid or liquid chemicals, chemical reagents, water samples, etc., such as reagent bottles, wide-mouth bottles, narrow-mouth bottles, weighing bottles, drop bottles, washing bottles, etc.
(4) There are many types of tubes, rods, and rods. According to their uses, they are divided into condenser tubes, fractionation tubes, centrifuge tubes, colorimetric tubes, siphon tubes, connecting tubes, medicine mixing rods, stirring rods, etc.
(5) Instruments related to gas operation refer to glass instruments used for gas generation, collection, storage, processing, analysis and measurement, such as gas generators, gas washing cylinders, gas drying cylinders, gas collection and storage devices , gas processing equipment and gas analysis, measurement equipment, etc.
(6) Liquid feeders and filters mainly include all kinds of funnels and their supporting filter equipment, such as funnels, separatory funnels, Buchner funnels, sand core funnels, suction filter bottles, etc.
(7) Standard ground glass instruments refer to those unit combined glass instruments with grinding mouth and grinding plug. The above-mentioned various glass instruments can have standard grinding mouths or non-standard grinding mouths according to different application occasions.
(8) Other categories refer to some glass utensils other than the above-mentioned various glass instruments, such as alcohol lamps, desiccators, crystal dishes, watch dishes, mortars, glass valves, etc.

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