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About Glassware

2020-11-20 09:50:18

About Glassware
Instruments made of glass are called glass instruments. Glass instruments are widely used in laboratories because glass has high chemical stability, thermal stability, good transparency, certain mechanical strength and good insulation properties. Glass instruments made of the excellent properties of glass are widely used in various laboratories, such as chemical laboratories, medical testing laboratories, biological laboratories, scientific research laboratories and teaching laboratories. The chemical stability of glass is good, but it is not guaranteed not to be corroded, but its degree of corrosion meets certain standards. Because the glass is eroded and trace ions enter the solution and the glass surface adsorbs the analyte ions in the solution, it is a problem to be paid attention to in trace analysis. Hydrofluoric acid corrodes glass very strongly, so experiments containing hydrofluoric acid cannot be performed with glass instruments. The lye, especially the concentrated or hot lye, is visibly corrosive to the glass. If the glass instrument that stores the lye is a grinding instrument, the grinding mouth will stick together and cannot be opened. Therefore, glass containers cannot store lye for a long time.

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