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Glass material for glass reagent bottles

2020-11-20 09:49:09

Glass material for glass reagent bottles
The international standard ISO3587 stipulates that glass pipes and fittings for chemical equipment need to be made of borosilicate glass 3.3. This is because this glass has good performance and process performance.
First of all, it has a low expansion coefficient and good thermal stability, and the glass tubes and pipe fittings made with it can withstand 120°C temperature changes without breaking. High usable temperature up to 400°C.
Secondly, this glass is chemically stable, and the United States encapsulates contemporary human utensils in containers made of this glass and buries them underground, leaving them as materials for human beings five thousand years later. Western countries have regulations that keep important government documents sealed in such glass containers for a long time. Whether extracting uranium 235 or chemically synthesizing ribonucleic acid in modern industry, equipment made of this glass must be used.
Third, this glass has good reprocessing properties and can be processed into various shapes.
Fourth, this glass does not contain any heavy metals. Therefore, it does not contaminate the processed product. Therefore, high-purity drugs and microelectronics industrial reagents need to be manufactured and packed with this material. Because of this, this glass is listed by international standards as a glass material that can be used to make chemical equipment.
It can be seen that the 3.3 glass in the international standard has become a relatively safe and reliable glass material used in various glasses due to its excellent performance.
In view of the fake and inferior glass instruments on the market now, experts also propose to buy glass equipment. Be sure to look for quality-assured glass equipment, don't be greedy for cheapness, and buy cheap products on the market to avoid injury and loss.

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